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Migration crisis management

      The global economy crisis & global health crisis due to war or disaster creates problems of migrants which is responsible for the debate who will take their responsibility. In 2015, UN adopted a new framework for sustainable development based on the principle that no one should be left behind. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Christine lagarde said that No country can manage the refugee issue on their own. In 2005, the World Health Organization adopted the International Health Regulations. These guidelines talks about controlling spread of diseases, while minimizing the adverse effects of travel & trade restrictions.
          The root question which arise in the fear of 'refugee as weapon', & 'caring migrants like waste of national resources' is, is there need of stopping complete migration? Can we ? Who will ? In such war or crisis or disaster period, everybody becomes possessive being family member & citizen to do not allow stranger & foreigner into their circle. All borders get closed for restricting everybody's movement. Such restrictions translate fear into national security policy & covers anti-migrant sentiments. How can we heal broken migration system ? Let's understand first why we can't stop migration ?
 1. Uneven distribution of talent, natural resources, basic facilities, modern amenities, quality of each manmade thing, livable environment etc.
 2. Lots of transport dependent businesses through waterways, landways, airways etc.
 3. Increased requirement of labours/ workers/cadets for most difficult and dangerous jobs
In short, migrants create more economic value than we think. Even the local business like hotels, renting rooms, chain of markets, taxi industry, construction industry will hit if one stops migration completely. The shrinkage of talent, skillfull workers, demand for market will shrink the economy giving poor output of quality. How can we afford such economic loss? Emigration & immigration both are beneficial for both host & destination places if the management is best.
          Migration crisis management, its challenging task for any government, especially when economy fallout & infallibility of human life are there. It includes,
 1. Border enforcement policies
 2. Collaboration & communication, information dissemination, seeking coordination by maintaining human dignity
 3. Caring migrants to forbidding further loss, crisis & crime
 4. Use of technology in digital age
 5. Pragmatic approach like combining public & private sector investment. (Pragmatism needs to meet empathy)
 6. Stopping of spreading wrong ideologies or rumors which may lead to chaotic situation.
 7. Management through controlling 'push' & 'pull' influencing factors of migration 
          Migration crisis management is significant to avoid further political crisis,  economic crisis, security crisis & humanitarian crisis. We can't ignore it being selfish and we can't even take it lightly being forgetful about migrants contribution in our economy.  To understand the importance of migration crisis management first, it is better to understand that since history how the thought of security for only individual's concern has seen failure at ground level.


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