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Confidence in the youth of village

Today and onward, it will be sin to ignore village development.  Most village elders still show confidence in the youth of village that one day they will bring prosperity in village. But can how one is sanguine to forget village roots in the fascination of city?

Each soil carries unique cultural & economic characteristic. Once we are educated to learn its utility in life and market, we will be able to reinvent value of it. Why villagers are most attracted to city? They migrate from village to city by replacing big home, fresh air, nature to accommodated living place, polluted air in city at the cost of facilities & economic survival value.

If you study the importance of village in future, you will be able to understand how village going to be breathe giver for city.

To bring this reality soon, we must show confidence in the youth of village. Do you agree with me? Only the son of village soil can stop the village soil erosion.

How one can bring economy in village? By creating tourist places, marketing & selling village products will inflict earning.  Roaming around the world for best knowledge & excellent skills is far fine.  Village youth must return to their place to encourage & strengthen the village by best contribution.  Village drain may never recover village health. Why do you think it is impossible?  The future of Indian village is in the hands of village youth. Youth can be promising in bringing out positive changes in village.

Sometimes, rural youth feel inferior being villager by comparing their lifestyle with residents of city. They leave village in the search of dignified life.

In my view, leaving village is not an issue, but not returning to remove its weakness for future generation of village is the real problem.

I am very fortunate to meet Prakash Amate sir (Hemalkasa, Gadachiroli district, Maharashtra ) & Popatrao Pawar sir (Hiware Bazar, Ahmadnagar district, Maharashtra).  They are the living examples how one can turn on the village.

We need eyeing on the cooperation of village youth & political willpower to see following things,

  1.  Rural modified educational facility according to their regional utility
  2. Agricultural training
  3. Creation of Job opportunities
  4. Facilities
  5. Research centers 
  6.   ...

Here, I would like to mention that turning on village is not mean making it non healthy city.

In short, we must show confidence in the youth’s ability to save their village.

But is youth ready?

Personally, I am with village youth who come forefront for a potentially endeavor to induce progress of rural area.

Are you ?



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