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Free money for security

       What if government says to you that if you have no work due to automation, natural disasters, global health crisis, environmental crisis etc we will give you 'free money' to increase your purchasing power in addition to boost business cycle ? Who will be the first recipient ? On what basis of criterias 'free money' will be distributed among recipients ? The root questions are, does government has 'free money' ? & What suppose to be the 'inlet of free money' in government's cash storage ?

          You must have heard about social security ? Right ? As everyone as a member of society has a right for social security. It is generally provided to strike  at the root of poverty, unemployment & disease. The government is bound with three generalized responsibilities I.e. Protect, Provide & Invest. In role of government as a provider, social security system is build up to provide retirement, old-age, disability, unemployment, health & maternity benefits to workers unpaid, paid, inadequately paid workers from both organized & unorganized sectors. It is provided through schemes and regulated by laws. My concern here is not about to provide you details of social security as it is already available on Google. My main concern is how it is possible 'to manage free money' for all in inevitable crisis. What will be the sustainability of this 'free money' ? 

         Hey, besides your rigid opinions & prejudices, what do you think about 'management of free money' with your resilient thinking capability ? What does this 'free money' stand for you ? Will it create habit of getting money without work ? Will it create laziness ? There is discussion on collapse of social security as it creates burden on society. It has been observed that without tax hikes, spending cuts or a combination of the two, there won't be money left to schedule social security benefits? Skyrocketing unemployment will further deplete the fund's asset's. The worst mixture of situations like high living capacity of old age, young unemployment, poverty, mismanagement of demography, multiple crisis, recession, politics etc, the future of social security seems like burden on whole state. For the welfare state, state is bound to see each one's security. The chaos may create war and propensity of support of such helpless people to fanatic systems other than government which will bring terrorism, naxalism etc. This reminds what Thomas Hobbe's leviathan describes a word of unrelenting insecurity without a government to provide the safety of law and order, protecting citizens from each other and from foreign foes.

         The government must be aware about 'management of free money' & 'limited forms of free money' which is most of the time in use as a 'push factor' in economic flows. Don't you think, mostly 'free money' is very distracting word rather than disturbing word?  


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