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The War of technology

          Jamat ud udwah is sometimes worked as a fateh e insaniat foundation and in the name of either Al madina & Aisar worked as a wellfair foundation in the service of people. Alas, this is the terrorists organisation. Laskar e taieba's base camp is at markaz e taiba, marijake near lahor. There is theory called love jihad. Popular front of India & campus front are wellknown to convert non muslim girls into islam through marriage. Their strategies  for Al Harab is beyond imagination than any sober person can think. They are provided with weapons, steroids, literature etc. At another side, the whole world is engaged in covid 19 lockdown, on 4th april, three naxal  women killed in encounter at singhbhum, jharkhand. The news has covered that they were motivating tribal people to join naxalism. Bulltes, bomb, arms & Impoverised Explosive Devices (IEDs) found around their dead bodies. They possess automatic weapons like AK47 & under barrel Granade Launcher (UBGL). However, the Nadal's stronghold remains concentrated in the south bastar region of chhatisgar. Whereas abhojamaad in chhatisgarh is the nerve center for naxalism. Soua, Goelkera, Parahat, region of rest singhubhum are the next target of naxals.                   Now, how Gandhism will sort out both terrorism & naxalism? Does it ? Most of the times, theory can solve problems on paper but impracticable in field. We can see how such terrorism, maoism and naxalism are using technology for scathing wars. Technology in the wrong hands is most dangerous thing. Suppose they have 14 people to work, they still build the capacity to leave the government shaken. Government able to nab them after 3 years of incident of offence. Why? Yes! Some likages are feeders for such red organizations. We don't need only precautions but also preparedness. We don't need only mass but also its benefactor. Actually seldom we are seeking manpower but we need to get rid of shyness towards technology. Why cannot to shun bloody childlessness of extreme hazardous acts? We need to stop the war by brain. No any potent weapon than human brain. And technology is greatest ever outcome from human brain. Some people are saying that technology is our future. I believe that it is our present. Our security is more tight with technology.
          Islamic terrorists organisation are holding their belief that America, isreal & india were orginally islamic states. Now, . they are engaged to turn these non islamic states into inslamic ones. In the name of allah they are misguiding people by replacing their extreme thoughts into these minds.  At another side, naxals have changed their traditional strategy by spreading urban naxals. They are targeting housewives & youth to create their hold. They are no more interested only in solving tribal people's problems of jal, jungle & jamin but also they are showing more preparedness towards largescale questions  to hold their principles. Thus, we need chain of technology to break their chain of creating obstacles. There is need of infusion of updated technology in our daily routine. We must have mastery of use of technology to save ourselves and to secure our society.  Even single mobile in our hand has proved its role to secure ourselves. Like this, high class technology in every field will confirm the feasibility, safety & security of everything.
      We are in the war of technology. And we have to prevent ourselves from this battle cry with the help of the brain of science & technology. We know, India is ready now.


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