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Career tragedy : Job security 

         Robert kiyosaki is the founder of rich global LLC and Rich dad company. He said that job security is a myth. Then, is there a dead end to my job ? Unfortunately, Job security is more rare than before. Many external factors threaten job security which includes globalisation, new technology, recession, outsourcing, low physical & mental health, disasters, safety issues at work area etc. The constant emerging of techniques, technologies, methods & ideas are demanding not only knowledge but also required skills up to date.
         We need that educational environment where we can learn & gain knowledge, skills & flexible mental state to cope up with highly changing job market. Well, with rigid personality it is difficult to see job security. We live in a 'gig economy' where people are engaged in two or more jobs at the same time to reduce the risk of becoming  unemployed. There are some unavoidable factors affecting to job security like age, educational background, quality of schooling, geographic location,  job satisfaction, vulnerability, changing policies etc. The one has to be prepared with plans & strategies to overcome these.
How can we try to ensure job security ?
Some formal ways like,
1. Employment Agreement/Bond/Contract
2. Labour Legislation
3. Adaptability towards skills according to the job title
4. Becoming more productive in terms of ideas & work quality
5. Working proactively
6. Hard work for long term career position
Some informal ways like,
1. Securing earning sources from various platforms
2. Personality grooming
3. Studying present & future needs, trends in job market
        Today, Young people, between 24-34, typically spend 3-4 years with company/organization, as per the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor statistics. Times are changing. This is may be because for more salary, status, change in working environment at workplace etc. Most of the time, I have observed that fear of no job satisfaction also bigger than job loss. But people who are dependent on daily bases or weekly bases income are major victims of job losses emerged through recession or disaster or crisis. One may noticed that temporary contracts, temporary agency & dispatched work, dependent self employment,  marginal part time work in many parts of world, have heightened workers' concerns over employment security. Job loss is interlinked with financial stability, health security, educational backwardness, lack of human development which may cause severe life loss. Contemporary trend, you hardly find people continued career in one stream with one organization for lifetime. To avoid career tragedy, simply we need career setbacks to rejump from economic disaster.
         In sum, job security is an illusion. We need to constantly work on quality performance to get job attention and economic security. We need educational environment that much strong to nurture fullfledge capacity for today's & tomorrow's survival cost. For today, it is enough to understand that there is no angel for us to give job security at free of cost.


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