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We may poor but not threatening security   

        The growing global gap between rich & poor is the main concern simultaneously with the focus on poverty alleviation. The 1994 Human Development Report (HDR) highlighted two major components of human security, first, freedom from fear & freedom from want. When both these freedom is threatened by system, cultural or traditional defects, natural or man made disasters, own survival failure, incompetence then poverty knocks your door. There are some types of poverty like situational,  generational, absolute, relative, urban & rural. Thus, there is multi dimensional poverty.
          When you think poverty may breed insecurity you must be thinking how it is a complex nexus of transnational threats like large migration, environmental degradation, crime, proliferation for small arms, infectious diseases etc. But why don't you ever think that one day, even yours rich habits, rich lifestyles and business you build on keeping poor as poor will let others in darkness of poverty ? Poverty is threat to global security unless & until they receive continuous opportunities to overcome from poverty. Ignorance can be a silent killer of peace. Rich communities can resolve this gap in three generalized ways like donation, investment & job creation. Poors/helpless can reduce this gap by showing interest with confirming their dignity. 
          But how it is ridiculous to shout at rich communities like, "hey don't drive your Mercedes on road because poor people don't have Mercedes." At the same time how disgusting to call poor communities like, "you are poor, insecurity everywhere."  Where is middle class?
 Following two questions are important,
 1. Is being rich a crime ?
 2. Is being poor a crime?
 I am working in social field and have experience of working at slum areas since 6 years. We don't have big package salary or any status for this job for how we are working at grassroot level of society. I have both positive & negative experiences irrespective of which vasti or religion or cast I have been working with. Positive experience is about their enthusiasm and interest to overcome from current situation with the help of us or government schemes. Negative experience is even after multiple innovative trials how we fail to get cooperation from them. Sometimes I forget whether I am there for them because of job or they are there for us to run jobs of us for longer time.  But I must say that it's everyone's job to alleviate own and others poverty in good & non-hazardous ways. Yes! We have elected government for our society to provide, protect & invest but being a common man irrespective whether you are rich or poor, educated or uneducated its everyone's responsibility to do not threat human security either pulling them and ignoring them or remaining backward by choosing both begging  & sympathy.
       "We may poor but not threatening security" this is true unless and until we choose positive ways to improve our economic conditions to strengthen our human security which includes security like economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community & political.
         It's that simple to be awared and understood that not always, poors are poor because rich are richer. There are inspirational examples of 'today's rich were once poor'. At another side, we shouldn't be unconscious that rich are richer so they can never posses possibility of breeding any kind of insecurity in society. Some wrong thoughts & mental trends are promoting this poor -rich gap. Poverty alleviation is about human development concern. Come together for peace & prosperity.


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